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"For it is in the giving that we receive" -Saint Francis of Assisi

You’ve likely encountered the uncomfortable feeling of guilt tipping at some point. You don’t REALLY want to leave a 45 percent tip on self serve frozen yogurt, but when the cashier turns the tablet your way and looks you in the eyes, “all bets are off,” so to speak. Don’t worry, visitor, I won’t hit you with those sad puppy dog eyes if you choose not to contribute. Promise.


I have included this page as a way of helping myself get established. In 2020, Nerdwallet contributor Meredith Wood noted in her article, “Raising Capital for Startups: 8 Statistics That Will Surprise You,” that the average small business requires about $10,000 of startup capital, yet 1/3 of these businesses start with less than $5,000.


While I expect to grow my business, I am not blind to my current financial reality. As a 25 year old without much current disposable income, the costs of my website, webinar materials, marketing, and travel add up quickly. I pride myself on delivering a truthful, interesting, well thought out presentation to everyone I work with. Contributions from visitors like you help me accomplish this. Thank you for your time and continued support. Enjoy your frozen yogurt, guilt free. - Saul 

(Note: contributions are NOT CHARITABLE DONATIONS and are not tax deductible)

If you'd prefer to donate via PayPal use the button below:

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Designed by Jenny Tavarez LLC
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